It’s no secret that most homeowners look for every opportunity to save on their energy bills. While some fees may be unavoidable, making a dent on your existing usage rates can be relatively simple with minor behavioral adjustments or investments in new technologies. Perhaps the most common reasons for focusing on decreasing energy consumption are to save money or protect the environment. If you are ready to save on your electric bill, here are a few simple and easy ways to get started.
Get Energy Efficient Light Bulbs
If you are still running incandescent bulbs in your light sockets at home, there’s a good chance that you are not only replacing them often but that you are spending more money than you should on your electric bill. As an alternative, LEDs, and CFLs use up to 80% less electricity while providing a potential lifespan of up to 75% longer than a traditional light bulb. As an inexpensive and easy way to get started, this is often the first place that homeowners will start when attempting to save on their electric bill.

Fix Daily Behaviors
While energy-efficient products make it much easier to decrease your electric bill, they aren’t always the only solution. In fact, many homeowners find success by simply being mindful and fixing their daily behaviors. This could mean decreasing the usage of your HVAC system during the summer or your furnace throughout the winter. Nearly half of the expenses on an electric bill come from home heating and cooling. Relying less on these systems can make an immediate impact on how much the eventual bill will come out to be at the end of the month.
Invest in New Windows
One of the most common reasons that HVAC systems have to work harder is because of old windows that are letting drafts in or heat out. Nearly 25% of your total heating bill could be attributed to old leaky windows and, in some cases, replacing them may cost less than the continuous loss that you are experiencing month over month. For the most impact, try to find windows that contain Low-E coatings to limit heating expenses while also minimizing the amount of heat that is able to penetrate the window in the summer.
Upgrade Your HVAC System
Modern energy-star HVAC systems not only provide a great return during tax season, but they can also ensure that you aren’t spending extra money on heating and cooling costs throughout the year. Exorbitant costs from HVAC systems that are working overtime will contribute greatly to the total energy expense a home has. By investing in modern HVAC solutions, you can heat or cool your home smarter instead of harder. However, when paired with new insulation, you will find even greater temperature stabilization inside the home.