Hot Shot Electric

Breaker Box Installation in Tulsa

Electrical Upgrades to Consider During a Renovation

August 24, 2020

As you might imagine, this makes incorporating electrical upgrades during a renovation a great idea for homeowners that may be unhappy with dated wiring, outlets, or other electrical system components.

Tulsa Meter Repair

What is a Brownout?

July 15, 2020

While every homeowner is likely aware of what a blackout is, they may not know the damage that can be caused by a brownout. And, although a brownout doesn’t cause a complete power interruption that deactivates appliances, a brownout may not

Meter Repair in Tulsa

Outdoor Lighting Tips

June 15, 2020

It is common for homeowners to have some sort out outdoor lighting around their homes that they can control. Most have porch lights or security lights that are manually controlled or automatically turn after the sun goes down.

Tulsa Electric Company

How to Find the Right Electrician

May 15, 2020

Although working with electricity can be extremely dangerous without the proper knowledge and attention to detail, it is something that will be required by everyone at some point.

Best Electric Company in Tulsa

GFCI Outlets – How Do They Work?

April 15, 2020

Did you know that hundreds of Americans are involved in fatal accidents that result in electrocution? While electrocution may be more common on construction sites or during utility services, accidents that involve electric shock can also happen inside homes.

Outdoor Lighting in Tulsa

How to Save on Your Electric Bill

March 12, 2020

While some fees may be unavoidable, making a dent on your existing usage rates can be relatively simple with minor behavioral adjustments or investments in new technologies.

Best Electric Company in Tulsa

4 Unsafe Electrical Panels That May Be In Your Home

January 20, 2020

If your home was built before the 1990s, there’s a chance that you may have unsafe electrical panels or boxes hiding inside of your home.

Best Tulsa Electric Company

Electrical Safety Tips for Winter

December 16, 2019

The weather can be unpredictable in Oklahoma. And, during the winter, one of the only certainties is that it will inevitably get cold without warning. Have you checked your existing electrical system and components in your home for the harsh winter that may be just around the corner?

Electric Companies Near Me Tulsa

5 Causes of Electrical Fires in Homes

November 15, 2019

While everyone likely knows that electricity can be dangerous and potentially start fires, there are several things you currently do that could contribute to an electrical fire in your home.

Tulsa Outdoor Lighting

Electrical Upgrades That Add Value to Your Home

October 15, 2019

Whether you are going to put your home on the market soon or just want to make it a little more comfortable for yourself, there are several electrical upgrades that you could utilize to add value to your home.